"... she was expressing that her time there made her feel proud of being Black - and for that I am grateful to you all at the Black Arts Camp. You did a spectacular job. The experience was exactly what I hoped it would be and more." - E. A.
8:30 am - 3:30 pm + extended care to 5:30 pm
Located in View Park, Los Angeles
Note: We intentionally do not publish the exact address online.
Please call 323.825.9829 for more details.
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Project: Poetry and Hip-Hop Performance
(Note: closed for Juneteenth federal holiday)
- Spoken Word artist-in-residence
- Hearing and learning poetry, rap, and short stories
- Learning strategies for dynamic communication and empathy
- Collaborating to memorize Black-authored poems
- Collaborating to create student-authored poems
- Learning corresponding gestures and movement
- Skill Development: public speaking
- Making/designing bespoke T-shirts
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Project: Urban Design Physical Model
- Collaborating to build a city
- Each student contributes 2 structures
- Learning about historic Chocolate Cities
- Learning about Black elected city officials
- Creating candidates, holding elections, and voting for city officials
- Playing the “circulate the dollar game”
- Learning how to start a business
- Field trip to visit local Black businesses
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Project: Street Dance, Graffiti, and Public Art
- Visual artist-in-residence
- Dance artist-in-residence
- Listening to and learning about Black music genres over time
- Learning social dances that correspond to respective music styles
- Performing dance routines
- Participating in dance lines / battles
- Contributing to sections of a class mural
- Field Trip to see Los Angeles murals
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Project: Theatrical Production
- Theater / Dance artist-in-residence
- Hearing and learning African fables & Black-authored short stories
- Adapting and performing stories for staged presentation
- Creating masks and costumes
- Learning choreography / movement / staging / blocking
- Emphasis on ethics and empathy
- Soft skill development: kindness and conflict resolution
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Project: Visual Art and Book Making
- Visual artist-in-residence
- Each day, each student pairs with a peer to research an African country
- Listening to music specific to each country or region
- Viewing fabrics and fashion specific to each country or region
- Creating original art elements to contribute to a collage for that country
- Compiling student art into a single book on Africa
- Original student art available for auction, proceeds to camp
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Project: Parades and Protest
- Music artist-in-residence
- Learning and practicing Black choral/choir music and embodied percussion
- Learning and practicing Freedom Songs
- Hearing and participating in a drum circle
- Researching contemporary causes for equity and equality
- Creating signs and banners to march for respective causes
- Learning about public expressions of Black joy (ie: parades)
- Learning about marches for justice over time
- Walkable neighborhood parade with banners and signs
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Project: Cook Historically Black Foods + Create Campaign for Mock Election
- Learning about Black culinary arts and food history
- Discussing solutions for the future of our city and the country
- Imagining candidates based on the 'platforms' students create
- Write speeches for candidates
- Create campaign posters and banners for mock election
- Plan election night party with performances
- Hold mock campaign
- Celebrate victories with a party, food, and performances
A celebration of African Diaspora culture for young learners of all abilities & backgrounds ages 5 to 12.
by Maya Angelou
Black Arts Camp is a program by Learning Culture 501(c)3
EIN# 84-1978790